Aim2Be: A lifestyle behaviour modification app for children and their parents for the self-management of obesity – For whom apps work? | OM #4.10

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:​

  • Learn the theorical strategies that were used in the Aim2Be app and
  • List the critical steps involved in evaluating an app.
  • Describe for who and under what conditions Aim2Be supports behaviour change.

Louise Masse, PhD, University of British Columbia

Dr. Louise Mâsse is a Professor in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia and a level 3 scientist at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Her current studies, which are funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Public Health Agency of Canada include: 1) Evaluating policies and capacity building interventions to influence children’s health behaviours, specifically physical activity (PA), sedentary and dietary behaviours in multiple settings including childcare, recreation centres, and schools; 2) Developing and evaluating gamified lifestyle modification interventions targeting children and their families; and 3) Understanding how transitional periods, specifically the transition from elementary to secondary schools, influence children’s PA, sedentary and dietary behaviours as well as weight outcomes.

Resources Mentioned in Session

Session Didactic Slides & Recording

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